Table 1.
Scenario overview.
Scenario | CC | BECCS | BECCS+SWM |
Climate forcing | RCP6.0 | RCP2.6 | RCP2.6 |
Biomass plantation area (2090–2099) | 30 Mha | 600 Mha | 600 Mha |
of which equipped for irrigation | 30% | 30% | 45% |
Sustainable water management | No | No | Yes |
Climate, land use, and water use input data for 4 GCMs (all based on SSP2) is used from the ISIMIP2b project33. The irrigation fraction is obtained from a sensitivity analysis as part of this study. Sustainable water management is a combination of withdrawal restrictions based on EFRs35, local water storage, and improved on-field irrigation efficiencies32,34.