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. 2021 Jan 19;115:103841. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103841

Table 1.

Comparison of strata and agency characteristics for U.S. home health agencies and survey respondents, 2018.

Universe of U.S. Agencies (n = 11,549) Survey Respondents (n = 536)
Unweighted Weighted Unweighted
% % p-value %
Strata Characteristics
  Rural 14.8 14.8 * 39.7
  Urban 85.2 85.2 * 60.3
  Census region
     Northeast (including Puerto Rico) 9.4 9.4 * 11.6
     Midwest 26.8 26.8 * 28.7
     South 43.9 43.9 * 40.9
     West 19.9 19.9 * 18.7
     For-profit 81.4 81.4 * 64.4
     Nonprofit 14.8 14.8 * 27.3
     Government 3.8 3.8 * 8.4
Agency Characteristics
  Agency Oversight
     Hospital 6.8 8.6 0.08 17.0
     Visiting Nurse Association 4.9 7.0 0.08 8.0
  Medicare Only 21.6 18.0 0.06 14.7
  Operates Medicare Hospice 5.6 5.3 0.72 8.8
  Part of a System of Branches 13.7 15.1 0.40 17.4
  Services Provided In-House
     Nursing Services 92.2 91.3 0.54 92.4
     Home Health Aide Services 85.7 86.7 0.58 88.4
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) p-value, Mean (SD)

  Nurse Staffing
     % RN 58.7 (23.9) 57.6 (25.6) 0.40 59.4 (24.1)
     % LPN/LVN 20.4 (19.8) 19.7 (19.6) 0.50 17.1 (18.4)
     % Home Health Aides 20.9 (20.6) 22.7 (23.3) 0.14 23.5 (21.9)
  QoPC Star Rating 3.27 (0.93) 3.34 (0.92) 0.20 3.27 (0.88)
  HHCAHPS Summary Star Rating 3.70 (0.97) 3.74 (0.93) 0.54 3.93 (0.87)

LPN/LVN = Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse; RN = Registered Nurse; QoPC = Quality of Patient Care; HHCAHPS = Home Health Care Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems. Strata characteristics are measures used to define sampling strata.

p = 1.00; weighted estimates for variables used for probability weights are equal to universe of U.S. agencies.

p-values, generated using regression, are a test of equivalence of the U.S. agencies and weighted survey respondents and are significant at α < 0.05.

20.4% and 46.4% of agencies had missing values for QoPC Star Rating and HHCAHPS Summary Star Rating, respectively.