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. 2021 Jan 19;115:103841. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103841

Table 5.

Infection prevention and control staff training and monitoring by urban/rural location, weighted estimates.

Total Urban Rural p-value
Training Modality*
   Face-to-face training (in-services, skills fairs) 91.1 91.4 89.8 0.56
   Computer-based training tools (e.g. online education, DVDs, videos) 65.3 62.8 79.8 <0.001
   Knowledge assessment 56.8 58.1 49.1 0.045
   Shadowing in the field 56.6 57.4 52.3 0.26
Training Frequency*
   At new employee orientation 61.0 60.3 64.9 0.30
   Annually or biannually 64.1 62.9 70.9 0.06
   Quarterly 23.8 24.4 20.4 0.29
   Monthly or more frequently 13.6 13.9 12.3 0.62
   When an infection control issues/outbreak arises 47.4 46.9 50.2 0.46
Training Topics*
   Hand hygiene 89.7 90.1 87.7 0.41
   Practices appropriate to the patient 77.1 76.2 82.2 0.11
   Signs and symptoms of infections 73.4 74.2 69.3 0.22
   Transmission precautions 67.5 66.5 72.7 0.14
   Environmental cleaning 51.4 50.5 57.0 0.15
   No IPC topics covered 1.2 1.1 1.8 0.53
Method of Measuring Adherence to IPC Policies*
   General competency testing/assessment/demonstration 30.9 31.2 28.7 0.57
   Supervisory visits (un/announced) & evaluations 26.8 28.0 19.6 0.045
   Shadowing/observation/tracer 25.1 23.4 35.4 0.006
   Monitoring of infections through data via chart audits/logs/forms 17.0 17.2 15.6 0.66
   Skills fairs 4.6 4.9 2.4 0.18
   Hand hygiene monitoring tool/audits 4.1 3.7 6.1 0.22
   Patient surveys/calls 3.3 2.7 6.9 0.041
   Training/observation upon hire 2.3 2.7 0.0 <0.001
   Bag technique audits 1.9 1.5 4.0 0.09
   Other procedure 35.8 35.3 39.0 0.43
Agency Measures Adherence to Hand Hygiene Policies 81.7 81.3 83.8 0.48
   Method of Monitoring Adherence to Hand Hygiene Policies*
       Shadowing in the field 83.7 83.2 86.4 0.39
       Knowledge assessment 75.0 76.2 68.7 0.09
       Other procedure 10.1 10.1 10.0 1.00

IPC, infection prevention and control. All data shown are weighted.% are column percentages. p-values are significant at α < 0.05. Totals varied due to missing data or skip patterns.

Column totals may not add to 100% since response choices were select all that apply.