Figure 4.
Immunofluorescence staining of Slc1a3-CreERT2::RiboTag mice. Representative images from hippocampus and cortex of 7 weeks old mice. RiboTag is a Cre reporter line that upon recombination leads to the expression of an HA (hemagglutinin)-tagged ribosome protein. For each marker, co-staining with anti-HA antibody (HA; RiboTag, red) was used to mark recombined cells; S100β calcium binding protein (astroglial marker), GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein (astroglial marker), Sox9 SRY-Box Transcription Factor 9 (astroglial marker), Iba1 ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule (microglial marker), Osp oligodendrocyte surface protein, NeuN neuronal nuclei. Scalebar = 50 μm.