Figure 6.
Confocal microscopy study with HRT3 RCM (Heidelberg). (A) Confocal microscopy of the anterior corneal stroma with case 1, G-1. Notice the few nuclear corneal cell density. (B) Nuclear cell density in the anterior stroma with case 1 at 12 months post-operative. Notice the increment of the cell density. (C) Acellular implanted lamina with case 5, G-2 at 1 month post-operative. (D) Recellularization of the anterior surface of the implanted decellularized lamina in the same case 5 at 12 months postoperative. (E) The posterior surface of the recellularized lamina with case 13, G-3 at 1 month after the operation: the presence of few ADASCs with similar morphology of keratocytes. (F) The posterior surface of the recellularized lamina with case 13 at 12 months after surgery: Observe the abundant number of stromal cells.