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. 2021 Mar 5;6(9):2999–3012. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.01.036

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

hUCMSC sheet treatment decreased cardiac fibrosis in ischemic heart injury border zone post-MI of ICR mice. (A)Heart morphological characterization and Masson staining of treatment and MI-only groups at day 28 post-MI: fibrosis area (blue) and myocytes (red). (B) Quantitative analysis of LV wall thickness in 12 segmentsindividually; values are mean ± SD (control group, n = 7; MI-only group, n = 11; suspension groups, n = 7; cell sheet group, n = 12). (C) Quantitative analysisof infarct zone fibrosis length; values are mean ± SD (controlgroup, n = 7; MI-only group, n = 11; suspension groups, n = 7; cell sheet group, n = 12). (D–F) Quantitative analysis of LV wallthickness in border zone, infarct zone and septal wall, respectively; values are mean ± SD(control group, n = 7; MI-only group, n = 11; suspension groups, n = 7; cell sheet group, n = 12). NScell sheet group (blue) > cell suspension group (purple) with infarct zone fibrosis length (P > 0.05); Kruskal–Wallis H test with Bonferroni correction (C); NScell sheet group (blue) > cell suspension group (purple) with LV wall thickness in infarct zone (P > 0.05); ***cell sheet group (blue) > cell suspension group (purple) with LV wall thickness inborder zone (P < 0.001); **cell sheet group (blue) < cell suspension group (purple) with LV wall thickness in septal wall (P < 0.01); one-way ANOVA with Tukey comparison test (D–F). hUCMSC, human umbilical cordmesenchymal stem cell; MI, myocardial infarction; Sus, suspension; LV, left ventricular; SD, standard deviation; ANOVA, analysisof variance. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)