Decayed GABA transmission onto each subtype of cortical neurons under anaesthesia. a Schematic of two-photon imaging after the expression of AAV-DIO-iGABASnFR following virus injection and cranial window surgery. b Virus expression in the imaging area of V1. Scale bar: 200 μm. c Signals of GABA input onto pyramidal (brown), PV (pink), SOM (green), and VIP neurons (blue) in response to isoflurane administration. Colour-shaded areas represent the respective s.e.m. d-g ΔF/F differences in pyramidal (d, n = 26 neurons from 3 mice), PV (e, n = 32 neurons from 5 mice), SOM (f, n = 27 neurons from 4 mice), and VIP (g, n = 82 neurons from 7 mice) neuronal GABA input between the awake state and anaesthetized state. Paired two-tailed Wilcoxon test (d, e, g) and paired two-tailed t test (f). Data with error bars are presented as the mean ± SD, ****p < 0.0001.