Fig. 3.
Preserved glutamate transmission to pyramidal cells during aLOC. a Coexpression of iGluSnFR (green) and glutamate (red) within pyramidal cells in layer 2/3 of the V1 cortex. Scale bars: 50 μm (left) and 20 μm (right). Arrowheads indicate coexpressing cells. b Signals of glutamate input to pyramidal (brown), PV (pink), SOM (green), and VIP neurons (blue) in response to isoflurane administration. Colour-shaded areas represent the respective s.e.m. c-f ΔF/F difference in pyramidal (c, n = 24 neurons from 3 mice), PV (d, n = 49 neurons from 6 mice), SOM (e, n = 28 neurons from 4 mice), and VIP (f, n = 84 neurons from 7 mice) neuronal glutamate input between the awake state and anaesthetized state. Paired two-tailed Wilcoxon test. g-i The ΔF/F(Ana-awake) (g), inhibitory time (h), and slope (i) of pyramidal cells, PV, SOM, and VIP neurons. Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA with Dunn's multiple comparisons. Data with error bars are presented as the mean ± SD, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001.