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. 2020 Apr 20;102(6):1328–1342. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0119

Table 2.

Bed net indicators by sublocation, western Kenya, cross-sectional study, 2015

Highland sites Lowland sites
Sublocation Chepsonoi Kiborgok Tindinyo Total Kabar central Kabar west Total
Sample sizes, n
 Number of households 222 204 217 643 316 258 574
 Number of people 835 1,007 900 2,742 843 834 1,677
 Number of nets 351 275 248 874 463 421 884
LLIN indicators (%)
 Percentage of households with at least one LLIN 81.5 62.8 60.4 68.4 100 95.7 98.1
 Percentage of households with at least one LLIN for every two people 53.2 27.9 30.4 37.5 75.6 67.8 72.1
 Proportion of population with access to an LLIN in their household* 65.9 48.7 46.8 53.3 87.9 82.7 85.3
 Proportion of the population that slept under an LLIN on the previous night 70.8 46.6 47.4 54.3 98.3 89.4 94.2
 Proportion of existing LLINs used on the previous night 98.6 100 98.8 99.1 99.6 96.6 98.2
  Number of people using each LLIN on the previous night (of LLINs in use), mean (range) 1.61 (1–5) 1.67 (1–3) 1.76 (1–4) 1.67 (1–5) 1.84 (1–5) 1.84 (1–5) 1.84 (1–5)
Net sources (%)
   Mass distribution 87.7 75.9 90.2 84.7 88.1 91.0 89.5
   Clinic 4.9 23.0 8.1 11.5 2.9 3.9 3.4
   Market/shop/supermarket 4.0 0.4 1.2 2.1 1.3 1.0 1.2
 Village elders/community member/relative 3.1 0.4 0 1.5 5.5 2.7 4.2
    Other/do not know 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 2.2 1.5 1.9
 Net age (years) (%)
   ≤ 1 34.6 46.0 52.5 43.2 10.6 31.4 20.5
   > 1–2 54.0 3.3 28.1 30.7 72.0 53.0 63.0
   > 2–3 10.3 25.9 1.6 12.8 9.9 0.7 5.6
   > 3 0.9 24.4 17.9 13.1 7.5 11.9 9.6
  Do not know/decline 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0 2.9 1.4
 Net condition (%)†
   Excellent (no major holes) 50.3 65.2 68.7 60.2 89.2 46.2 68.8
   Good (1–5 medium or large holes) 36.6 18.3 21.1 26.5 8.2 30.4 18.8
 Fair (many medium holes and < 5 large holes) 12.0 12.1 9.4 11.3 2.4 18.0 9.8
    Poor (many medium and large holes) 1.1 4.4 0.8 2.1 0.2 5.4 2.7

LLIN = long-lasting insecticidal net.

* “Proportion of the population with access to an LLIN” was calculated using the assumption that each LLIN a household owned provided access to up to two household members, as recommended by the Roll Back Malaria Measurement and Evaluation Reference Group.10

† Net condition was evaluated by the study team and guided by comparison to images.