Table 1.
Sociodemographic information | |
Age (years) | |
Tribe/ethnicity | 1) Mbala |
2) Yansi | |
3) Songo | |
4) Hungana | |
5) Humbu | |
6) Other | |
Education | 0) No formal education |
1) Attended primary school, but no certificate | |
2) Six years of primary school | |
3) Attended secondary school, but no diploma | |
4) State diploma after 6 years of secondary school | |
5) University | |
Marital status | 1) Single |
2) Married | |
3) Divorced | |
4) Widowed | |
Type of marriage | 1) Monogamous |
2) Polygamous | |
Obstetrical information | |
Gravida | |
1) Primigravida | |
2) Multigravida | |
Past abortion | Yes |
No | |
Pregnancy age (trimester) | First trimester |
Second trimester | |
Third trimester | |
Past history of surgery | Yes/no |
Blood transfusion | Yes/no |
Knowledge | |
Ever heard of hepatitis B | Yes/no |
If yes, what is the source of your information | 1) Previous ANC |
2) Radio | |
3) Church | |
4) Health center/worker | |
5) Newspaper | |
6) Friend | |
7) School | |
How does one catch HBV? | 1) Sexual route |
2) Mother-to-child transmission | |
3) Blood substance: injections | |
4) Spiritual or witchcraft | |
5) Do not know | |
When can our child become infected? | 1) During pregnancy |
2) During childbirth | |
3) During breastfeeding | |
Is there any way to prevent it? | 1) Yes |
2) No | |
3) Do not know | |
Have you ever undergone HBV serology? | Yes/no |
If no, why? | 1) I am afraid of knowing a positive result |
2) I am not at risk and I cannot have hepatitis | |
3) I have never been offered testing before | |
4) The result may be known by others | |
5) My husband refuses this test | |
6) No answer | |
If yes, what was the result? Which one? | 1) Positive |
2) Negative | |
Hepatitis B serology result? | 1) Negative |
2) Positive |
HBV = hepatitis B.