Fig. 5.
Colocalization analysis between edQTL, eQTL, and GWAS signals of the FADS1 gene. a Box plots show the significant association of rs174544 with the editing level (Φ) at chr11:61567758 and gene expression level of the FADS1 gene within the tibial artery (top). Each dot represents data from a particular individual. An example of a tibial artery RNA-seq alignment is shown along with gene annotations (RefSeq), annotated ALU elements, annotated RNA editing sites, edQTL SNPs for chr11:61567758, and GWAS SNPs (middle). LD plot (bottom) shows GWAS SNPs (green) linked with edQTL SNPs (purple) in FADS1. For clarity, the GWAS traits (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides) identified by Hoffmann et al. [40] are displayed. b edQTL and eQTL signals of the FADS1 gene colocalize with GWAS signals for blood lipid levels. Manhattan plots for total cholesterol, gene expression, and RNA editing are shown (top). Bar plot shows colocalization posterior probabilities between edQTL, eQTL, and GWAS signals (bottom)