74-year-old male, re-presenting 7 weeks after diagnosis of calculous hemorrhagic cholecystitis status post cystic artery embolization and incomplete cholecystectomy.
FINDINGS: A) Cholangiogram through the indwelling gallbladder fossa drain shows the unresected base of the gallbladder with filling defect (black arrow) along the dependent portion, (B) consistent with the residual gallstone seen on corresponding CT (red arrow). C) Non-contrast CT at the level of the gallbladder also demonstrates the microcoils/star artifact (white arrow) in the proximal cystic artery.
TECHNIQUE: A) Under fluoroscopic guidance, 125 mL of water-soluble contrast (Omnipaque-240) was injected through the indwelling gallbladder fossa surgical drain. Fluoroscopy time: 3.2 minutes, Cumulative Dose: 106.90 mGy, Dose Area Product: 2469.74 mGym2
B) and C) Axial CT of the abdomen without oral or intravenous contrast. mAs per slice: 226 mAs, kilovoltage: 120 kV, slice thickness: 5 mm