Lack access to high-quality, affordable childcare |
It’s too expensive to provide daycare |
University provides daycare. Subsidize daycare on a sliding scale—with free daycare for graduate students, discounted daycare for postdocs, assistant professors. |
Teaching requires significant time and mental space, resources that are at a minimum right now |
We don’t have resources to hire new faculty to teach |
Ensuring no new course development or hire postdoctoral teaching fellows |
Decreased attendance at conferences |
Virtual conferences are not as fun, we miss one-on-one interactions |
Provide conferences in multiple modalities |
Women underrepresented on Editorial Boards |
Midcareer women turn down invitations to be editors due to time constraints, but men accept invitations; underrepresentation of women too hard to change. |
Talk with women you invite to help brainstorm how they could participate on an editorial board. For example, could they decrease their departmental/university service level? Is it possible for them to handle fewer manuscripts? Are there incentives that could make picking up this new service more appealing (e.g., 1 free open access publication in the journal per year) |
These solutions require money |
Universities do not have money to implement these solutions |
Universities are able to raise money for new sports arenas, buildings, and individual labs/projects. Why not for keeping women in science? |