Fig 11. Controller performance with second-order autocatalysis in C (Eq 10) and hyperbolic increase of k1 (Eq 14).
Phase 1 (not shown): the controller is at steady state at its set-point Aset = 5.0 with constant k1 = 2.0. Phase 1 lasts 1 time unit. Initial concentrations: A0 = 5.0, E0 = 0.9, C0 = 1.0. Phase 2: k1 increases hyperbolically. Rate constant values: k2 = 1 × 105, k3 = 5 × 102, k4 = 1 × 102, k5 = 10.0, and k6 = 1.0. KM = 1 × 10−6, KI = 0.1, n = 4 (Eq 6). Left panel: k1 and C as a function of time just before k1 reaches the infinity limit (blue dashed line). At time 21.249997 k1 = 1.4 × 107, C = 5.4 × 106. Right panel: A and E concentrations as a function of time.