Figure 3. The Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay for peptidoglycan synthesis can be adapted for reactions on liposomes.
(A) Class A penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) were reconstituted in E. coli polar lipid (EcPL) liposomes. To assess the orientation of the liposome-reconstituted PBPs, MGC-64PBP1B-his C777S C795S containing a single cysteine in the N-terminal region was reconstituted as in A. The accessibility of the cysteine was determined by staining with sulfhydryl-reactive fluorescent probe, Alexa Fluor555-maleimide, in the presence or absence of Triton X-100 (TX). Samples were analysed by SDS-PAGE with fluorescence scanning to detect labelled protein followed by Coomassie staining. (B) To perform activity assays in liposomes, class A PBPs were reconstituted along a 1:1 molar ratio mixture of Atto550-labelled lipid II and Atto647n-labelled lipid II in liposomes as in A. Reactions were started by addition of unlabelled lipid II in the presence or absence of lipoprotein activators (lpo). Using this methodology, we monitored the activity of PBP1BEc (C, D), PBP1BAb (E, F), and PBP1BPa (G, H). Representative reaction curves are shown. Reactions were carried out in the presence (blue lines) or absence (red lines) of the lipoprotein activators (LpoB(sol) for PBP1BEc, LpoPAb(sol) for PBP1BAb, and LpoPPa(sol) for PBP1BPa), and either in the absence of antibiotic (left) or presence of 1 mM ampicillin (Amp) or 50 µM moenomycin (Moe, black and yellow lines) (middle). For PBP1BEc, control reactions in the absence of unlabelled lipid II (right) are also shown. Products were analysed by SDS-PAGE followed by fluorescence scanning at the end of reactions (right side). Curves are numbered according to the corresponding lane on the SDS-PAGE gels. PBP1BEc, PBP1BAb, and PBP1BPa were reconstituted in EcPL liposomes containing labelled lipid II (0.5 mol% of lipids, 1:1 molar ratio mixture of Atto550-labelled lipid II and Atto647n-labelled lipid II), at protein-to-lipid molar ratios of 1:3000, 1:2000, and 1:3000, respectively. Reactions were started by adding unlabelled lipid II (final concentration 12 µM) and incubated at 37°C for 60 min (PBP1BEc and PBP1BAb) or 90 min (PBP1BPa) while monitoring fluorescence at 590 and 680 nm with excitation at 522 nm. (D), (F), and (H) show averaged initial slopes from reaction curves obtained by the FRET assay for liposome-reconstituted PBP1BEc, PBP1BAb, and PBP1BPa, respectively, in the presence (blue) or absence (red) of lipoprotein activators and in the presence or absence of ampicillin. Values are normalized relative to the slope in the absence of activator and are mean ± variation of two independent experiments.