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. 2021 Feb 24;12:616712. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.616712


Odds ratios comparing the likelihood of superior phage efficacy against E. coli O157 at different incubation temperatures, incubation times, MOIs, phages, and strains of E. coli O157.

Factors§ Percentage (%) of optical turbidity measurement <0.01 Odds ratio 95% CI# P-value*
Temperature, time
22°C, 16 h 75a 2.96 2.58-3.40 <0.001
22°C, 18 h 75a 2.88 2.51-3.31 <0.001
22°C, 14 h 75a 2.80 2.44-3.21 <0.001
37°C, 8 h 72b 2.40 2.10-2.76 <0.001
22°C, 12 h 72bc 2.32 2.02-2.66 <0.001
22°C, 10 h 71bcd 2.13 1.86-2.43 <0.001
22°C, 20 h 71cd 2.04 1.79-2.34 <0.001
37°C, 6 h 70d 1.87 1.63-2.14 <0.001
37°C, 10 h 67e 1.55 1.36-1.77 <0.001
22°C, 22 h 61h Referent
1,000 88a 23.39 20.62-26.52 <0.001
100 81b 11.57 10.35-12.94 <0.001
10 79c 9.20 8.26-10.25 <0.001
1 73d 5.97 5.39-6.64 <0.001
0.1 61e 2.65 2.41-2.92 <0.001
0.01 44f Referent
T1 + T4 + rV5 89a 109.12 88.88-133.98 <0.001
T5 + T1 + T4 + rV5 87ab 90.57 74.21-110.52 <0.001
T5 + T1 + T4 86b 83.03 68.21-101.07 <0.001
T5 + T1 86b 81.64 67.10-99.32 <0.001
T5 + T1 + rV5 83c 60.30 49.95-72.78 <0.001
T1 + T4 82c 56.37 46.78-67.94 <0.001
T5 81c 51.61 42.91-62.07 <0.001
T5 + T4 79d 41.66 34.78-49.89 <0.001
T5 + T4 + rV5 67e 17.74 14.99-20.99 <0.001
T4 + rV5 65ef 15.95 13.49-18.85 <0.001
T5 + rV5 64ef 15.45 13.08-18.25 <0.001
T4 63f 14.41 12.21-17.02 <0.001
T1 + rV5 59g 11.34 9.62-13.37 <0.001
T1 52h 7.44 6.32-8.74 <0.001
rV5 19i Referent
E. coli O157:H7 CO281-31N (H, PT8) 88a 27.95 24.15-32.34 <0.001
E. coli O157:H7 H4420N (B, PT87) 80b 11.42 10.06-12.96 <0.001
E. coli O157:H7 EDL933 (H, PT21) 78c 9.88 8.73-11.19 <0.001
E. coli O157:H7 E318N (H, PT4) 74d 7.06 6.26-7.96 <0.001
E. coli O157:H7 R508N (B, PT14) 73d 6.45 5.72-7.26 <0.001
E. coli O157:NM E32511 (H, PT31) 71e 5.60 4.98-6.30 <0.001
All 7 mixture 61f 2.97 2.66-3.32 <0.001
E. coli O157:H7 3081 (B, PT43) 43g Referent

§H, Human; B, Bovine; PT, phage type. #CI, confidence interval for the odds ratio. *P-value for the likelihood of superior phage efficacy as affected by different incubation temperatures, incubation times, MOIs, phages, and strains of E. coli O157. a–iWithin same factors, means different letters differs (P < 0.05).