Figure 2.
Analysis of the reaction products of BmGalNAcT. (a) CBB staining, His-tag staining, N-glycoprotein staining, and (b) de-glycosylation analysis of purified BmGalNAcT. Black and white triangles indicate the purified N-glycosylated form and de-glycosylated BmGalNAcTs, respectively. (c) SF- and RP-HPLC analysis of the reaction products. BmGalNAcT reaction was carried out using UDP-GalNAc and GN2M3 as a donor and an acceptor substrate, respectively. The elution position of the product was compared with authentic PA-sugar chains. Numbers at the top represent the elution positions of glucose units on the basis of the elution times of PA-isomalto-oligosaccharides with degrees of polymerization from 3 to 15. Green circles and blue boxes indicate Man and GlcNAc, respectively. (d) MS and MS/MS analysis of the reaction product. The MS signal represents (M + H)+ ions of the reaction product. The value of m/z 503 detected in the MS/MS spectra agrees with the calculated mass of HexNAc2-PA. The mass of the precursor ion, m/z 1801.8, was considered to correspond to HexNAc4Hex3HexNAc2-PA. The black and gray arrows represent N-acetylhexosamine and hexose, respectively. A black diamond indicates the precursor ion of MS/MS fragmentation.