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. 2021 Feb 24;12:639655. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.639655



In vivo characterization of IC.RioU1 virus using AG129 mouse model. The 6–8-week-old mice were infected with 10,000 PFU in both footpads with the different viruses (Parental and IC.RioU1) or with diluent medium (Mock). Mice were monitored daily for 2 weeks. Morbidity among these animals were measured by (A) weight loss and (B) clinical scores. (C) Deaths were recorded in Kaplan–Meier survival curves. (D) Viremia was evaluated at days 2, 4, and 6 post-infection and at the moment of death. At the seventh day, four mice inoculated with parental virus and seven with IC.RioU1 virus were euthanized. At the eighth day, five mice inoculated with parental virus and three with IC.RioU1 virus reached a humane endpoint. Clinical signs were scored as described in the Section “Materials and Methods,” and Supplementary Table 3. Error bars represent SD of the mean for each group of mice. Differences in morbidity and viremia of the two viruses were not statistically significant (Unpaired t-test – Two tailed, p > 0.05), the same was observed in survival curve (Long-rank test).