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. 2021 Feb 24;11:626322. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.626322

Table 1.

Animal studies involving bone marrow stem cell in POI/POF models.

Regenerative factor Study population Administration method Main findings Reference
Murine BMDSC QT induced POF mice IV tail injection Fertility rescue. All the offspring come genetically from the recipient, but oocytes from the donor are described. Lee et al. (86)
Murine BMDSC QT induced POF rats Direct injection in ovary Ovarian function improvement. GCs apoptosis decrease. Fu et al. (87)
Murine BMDSC Natural aged mice IV tail injection Prolongation of reproductive potential Selesniemi et al. (88)
Murine BMDSC QT induced POF rats IV tail injection Ability of BMDSC to infiltrate damaged rat ovaries.
E2 and AFC increase.
Liu et al. (89)
Murine BMDSC FSH knockout mice IV tail injection Follicle count and mature follicles increased. Hormonal levels restoration. Size of reproductive organs increase. Ghadami et al. (90)
Rabbit BMDSC QT-induced POF Rabbit IV ear injection E2 levels and follicle count increase and FHS levels decrease. Abd-Allah et al. (91)
Murine BMDSC QT-induced POF mice IV tail injection Hormonal levels rescue. Healthy follicles increase and apoptosis decrease. Bao et al. (92)
Murine BMDSC QT-induced POF mice Direct ovarian infusion Fertility restoration and shortening of estrous cycles. El Andaloussi et al. (93)
Human BMDSC QT-induced POF mice Direct ovarian infusion Follicle count and ovarian weight increase. Hormone restoration and pregnancy rates improvement. Mohamed et al. (94)
Human BMDSC QT-induced POR and POR mice IV tail injection Preovulatory follicle and MII oocytes increase. Fertility restoration, pregnancy rates and litter size increase. Apoptosis reduction, vascularization, and cellular proliferation increase. Ability of BMDCSs to migrate and infiltrate xenotransplanted human ovaries, promoting vascularization, follicle development and E2 secretion. Herraiz et al. (95)

BMDSC, Bone marrow derived stem cells; POI, premature ovarian insufficiency; POF, premature ovarian failure; POR, poor ovarian responder; AFC, antral follicle count; AMH, Anti-Mullerian hormone; IVF, in vitro fertilization; IV, intravenous; E2, Estradiol; TNF-α, Tumor Necrosis Factor α; IGF-I, Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1; GCs, Granulose Cells.