Figure 2.
Time to recombination and time from recombination to diffusion across network architectures with varying sizes but a fixed degree. Comparison of the performance across the range of network architectures of the same degree (here K = 12 links per node) and fully connected networks of the same size (N = 64, N = 144 and N = 324 nodes, K = 63, 143 and 323, respectively). (a) Time to recombination (log epochs) from 5000 simulations with model 1 that uses a broadcast (one-to-many) diffusion dynamic. (b) Time to recombination (log epochs) from 5000 simulations with model 2 that uses a dyadic (one-to-one) diffusion dynamic. (c) Difference between the time to recombination and the time to diffusion, where time to diffusion corresponds to the latency until the majority of the individuals in the population has information about the final higher-payoff product, from 5000 simulations using model 2 (one-to-one diffusion). All ridges were plotted with the same bandwidth (0.18). (Online version in colour.)