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. 2021 Feb;11(1):1–13. doi: 10.21037/cdt-20-518

Figure 1.

Figure 1

NoxA1 3’UTR and miR-155 binding cite map (Luciferase reporter assay rationale). Luciferase reporter gene assay on NoxA1 expression via miR-155 transcription was conducted and revealed the situation that miR-155 targeted on NoxA1 and inhibited its expression via luciferase activity decreasing in miR-155 mimics group which had significant difference from that of NC+NoxA1 and NoxA1 groups. No statistical difference found between and among other four groups except miR-155 mimics. NoxA1 expression was inhibited by miR-155 transfection in vitro. Protein of NoxA1 and NADPH was extracted from MOVAS and detected via Western blotting. There was significant inhibition of NoxA1 expression in miR-155 mimic group compared with NC and inhibitor + NC. NADPH also show inhibitory effect in miR-155 mimic group. The result of real-time PCR complied with that of Western blotting and showed the same inhibitory effect of miR-155 mimic group on the expression of NoxA1. RNA samples were extracted from MOVAS transfected with miR-155, inhibitor or vector control. Similarly, NADPH also show inhibitory effect in miR-155 mimic group. The result of scratching assay in MOVAS transfected with miR-155. The miR-155 mimic group demonstrated inhibitory effect on MOVAS migration compared to that of 155 inhibitor and NC groups. Magnification in (E): ×50.