Table 6. Open Questions on Transmission and Disinfection of SARS-CoV-2a.
fomite transmission |
•What is the infectivity of the fomite transmission route compared with other routes? |
•What is the adhesion and transfer efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 between human skins and different surfaces? |
•How can we better quantify and predict how surface properties of the virus and surfaces influence the adhesion, transfer, and persistence characteristics? |
•How can infective viruses be detected more quickly (less than a few hours) than current methods? |
•How can we better predict the locations and objects that are at high risk of virus contamination and design tools to mitigate this risk? |
surface disinfection |
•How can one better predict the rate of virus inactivation based on its structure and composition? |
•How do the surface properties (e.g., roughness, porosity, wettability, and presence of impurities) alter disinfectant effectiveness? |
•What is the optimal disinfection strategy to maximize disinfection effectiveness but minimize side effects, including health hazards, pollution, and damage to surfaces? |
•What innovations are needed for self-disinfecting surface technologies to be adopted broadly? |
A number of questions are also applicable to other viruses.