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. 2020 Nov 1;35(3):446–458. doi: 10.1177/0269215520966473

Table 1.

Details of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale items and the definition of the four body system impairments; consciousness, cognition, motor and sensory impairments.

National Institute of Health Stroke Scale item label Score = 0 Score = 1 Score = 2 Score = 3 Score = 4
Body system impairment = consciousness (score > 1)
1a LOC responsiveness Alert, responsive Not alert but verbally arousable or aroused by minor stimulation to obey, answer, or respond Only responsive to repeated/strong/painful stimuli Totally unresponsive, except reflexes/Areflexic
Body system impairment = cognition (any > 0)
1b LOC orientation Correctly answers questions Correctly answers one question Nether answer correct
1c LOC commands Correctly performs tasks Correctly performs one task Neither task performed
9 Language/communication Normal, no speech deficit Detectable fluency loss, though still able to extract information Speech fragmented and unable to extract content Unable to speak/understand speech
11 Extinction and inattention Normal, correctly answers questions Inattention on one side/modality (visual, tactile, auditory, spatial) Does not recognise stimuli in multiple modality on same side
Body system impairment = motor (any > 0)
4 Facial palsy Normal, symmetrical movement Function less normal, flattened nasolabial fold or minor smile asymmetry Partial Paralysis, paralysis in lower face Total paralysis upper and lower portion of one side
5a,5b Motor arm Normal Patient can hold position against gravity but drifts immediately Can hold arm up but drops within 10 seconds Unable to lift but can move arm in some form No movement
6a,6b Motor leg Normal Can hold position against gravity but drifts within 5 seconds Can hold leg up but drops within 10 seconds Unable to lift but can move leg in some form No movement
7 Limb ataxia Normal coordination; smooth, accurate movement ataxia present In limb Severe Ataxia (both limbs)
10 Speech/dysarthria Normal, clear, smooth speech some slurring speech cannot be understood
Body system impairment = sensory (any > 0)
2 Best Gaze/ Horizontal Eye Movement Normal, able to follow pen both sides Partial gaze palsy, abnormal in one/both eyes Total gaze paresis, gaze fixed to once side
3 Visual field test No vision loss Partial hemianopia or complete quadrantanopia No visual stimulus in 1/2 of visual field Bilateral blindness from any cause
8 Sensory (pinprick) Feels pinprick equally both sides Patient feels pinprick, duller on one side Total sensory loss on one side Not aware of being touched in all unilateral extremities