FIG 4.
Contribution of CD4+ T cell subsets to the total SHIV.C.CH505 reservoir. (a) Cell-associated SHIV DNA in CD4+ T cells subsets sorted from PBMC and lymph nodes at ≥32 weeks on ART. Open symbols indicate values below the LOD (n = 6). The Friedman test with Dunn’s correction was used for statistical analysis. (b and c) Average contributions of CD4+ T cell subsets to the total CD4+ T cell pool and SHIV DNA persistence in blood (b) and lymph node (c) (n = 6). Percentages reflect means, with the SD indicated below. (d) Intact genomes, as determined by IPDA, in naive (n = 6) and bulk memory (n = 4) CD4+ T cells enriched from lymph nodes at ≥50 weeks on ART. The Mann-Whitney test was used to determine statistical significance. (e) Ratios of intact provirus to total SHIV DNA in naive CD4+ T cells. In all panels, each point represents one animal, with the line at the median. CM, central memory; TM, transitional memory; EM, effector memory; Tfh, T follicular helper. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001.