Figure 2.
BBV152 vaccine induces high virus-specific antibody response in mice
(A–I) Immune response elicited against antigens at three concentrations of antigen or adjuvanted vaccine formulations in BALB/c mice (n = 5, female) were represented. Animals were administered via IP route either with 1/20th (Fig A & B) or 1/10th (Fig D, E, & F) human single dose (HSD) or administered via intramuscular route with either full HSD or 1/10th dose (C, G, & H). S1-specific total IgG antibody binding titers measured using individual sera collected (A) at various time points (day 0, 7, 14, & 21) at 1/20th dose; (D) on day 21 with 1/10th dose; (C) on day 21 either with full HSD or 1/10th dose; (G)on post-dose 1 (on day 7 or 14) and 2 (on day 14 or 28), when BALB/c mice were administered with BBV152B via IM route with different immunization schedule with an interval of 7 or 14 days, and (H) at various time points (day 21, 28, 42, 56, 84, and 98) at 1/10th dose via IM route. (E) SARS-CoV-2 specific (S1, RBD, N and total inactivated antigen) antibody binding titers elicited against adjuvant vaccines (BBV152A, B & C) on day 21; neutralizing antibody titers performed by PRNT90, using day 21 sera collected from BALB/c mice, when administered via IP route either with 1/20th (B) or 1/10th dose (F) or collected at various time points day 21, 28, 42, 56, 84, and 98 (I), when administered at 1/10th dose via IM route. Antibody binding titers were performed by ELISA and neutralizing antibody titers by PRNT90. Bar graphs representing data represented as mean ± SD (G), mean/mean ± SEM (A, H, & I) derived from individual mice sera data analysis. For the long-term immunogenicity study, sera from four animals per group were tested for ELISA and MNT50 analyzed. Statistical analysis performed by (B) Wilcoxon rank test indicates significant difference between 0.3 μg antigen Algel and 0.3 μg antigen Algel-IMDG at p value < 0.05 and error bars indicate median with 95% CI, whereas in figure D, statistical analysis performed by Mann Whitney test showed significant difference at p value < 0.005 (∗∗) and <0.05 (∗), respectively. ns indicates not significant.