Figure 12. Drug Release Driven by the Cascade of Stimuli-Induced ROS Generation and ROS-Induced Multiple Responses (Structural Change of Nanocarrier and Linker Cleavage).
(A) Schematic illustration showing the working mechanism of RADV.
(B) Chemical structure changes of DOX prodrug and DOPC upon ROS treatment.
(C) HPLC profiles of PPC-TK-DOX with different times of laser irradiation.
(D) In vitro drug release from RADV and RIADV with or without light irradiation.
(E) Light-triggered DOX release from vesicles prepared by DOPC or DSPC.
(F) CLSM images of RADV- and RIADV-treated 4T1 cells.
Reproduced with permission from Zhou et al.55 Copyright 2017, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.