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. 2021 Mar 11;15(5):421–430. doi: 10.1016/j.jcct.2021.03.003

Table 5.

Population description according to the identified total thoracic calcium volume cut-off values (=1067.78).

TTC ​≤ ​cut-off (N ​= ​675) TTC ​> ​cut-off (N ​= ​418) Overall (N ​= ​1093) p-value
Age - median [IQR] 60.50 [54.00, 69.00] 77.00 [70.00, 82.00] 68.00 [58.00, 76.00] <0.001
Gender, male - (%) 455 (67.9) 287 (68.8) 742 (68.3) 0.789
Arterial hypertension - (%) 283 (42.8) 307 (74.0) 590 (54.8) <0.001
Diabetes - (%) 76 (11.5) 102 (24.6) 178 (16.5) <0.001
Chronic kidney disease - (%) 23 (4.9) 26 (11.2) 49 (7.0) 0.004
Chronic coroanry artery disease - (%) 13 (3.0) 31 (13.1) 44 (6.6) <0.001
Peripheral artery disease - (%) 16 (2.4) 39 (9.4) 55 (5.1) <0.001
Previous CABG - (%) 4 (0.9) 11 (4.8) 15 (2.3) 0.004
Chronic lung disease - (%) 38 (5.8) 69 (16.6) 107 (10.0) <0.001
Active malignancy - (%) 25 (3.8) 26 (6.3) 51 (4.7) 0.076
Laboratory data
Hemoglobin (mg/dl) - (median [IQR]) 14.00 [12.70, 15.00] 13.20 [12.00, 14.40] 13.80 [12.40, 14.80] <0.001
White blood cells/mm3 - (median [IQR]) 6610.00 [4900.00, 9570.00] 6910.00 [5190.00, 9765.00] 6730.00 [5000.00, 9667.50] 0.130
Creatinine mg/dl - median [IQR] 0.95 [0.79, 1.14] 1.08 [0.88, 1.42] 0.99 [0.81, 1.24] <0.001
TnI HS ng/ml - median [IQR] 8.00 [4.53, 18.00] 14.80 [9.00, 49.00] 11.20 [6.00, 31.65] 0.001
LDH mg/dl - median [IQR] 374.00 [272.00, 498.00] 359.00 [274.50, 486.00] 369.00 [272.25, 491.00] 0.432
CRP mg/L - median [IQR] 11.70 [5.31, 21.09] 11.23 [5.50, 18.77] 11.55 [5.40, 20.11] 0.499
Laboratory data during the hospitalization
IL-6 pg/ml- median [IQR] 54.85 [21.57, 244.25] 73.00 [34.40, 157.55] 60.20 [24.80, 233.00] 0.372
D-dimer ng/ml- median [IQR] 1.81 [0.68, 5.66] 1.95 [1.00, 4.05] 1.85 [0.77, 5.33] 0.394
Radiological findings
Coronary calcification 346 (51.3) 388 (92.8) 734 (67.2) <0.001
Number of calcified coronary vessels 1.00 [0.00, 2.00] 3.00 [2.00, 3.00] 1.00 [0.00, 3.00] <0.001
CAC Agatston - mean (SD) 53.37 (180.37) 586.29 (586.18) 257.18 (467.37) <0.001
CAC Volume (mm3)- mean (SD) 56.70 (156.85) 592.34 (569.86) 261.93 (455.28) <0.001
TAC Agatston - mean (SD) 253.85 (865.11) 5771.07 (5223.41) 2379.38 (4262.79) <0.001
TAC volume (mm3) - mean (SD) 219.48 (697.46) 4649.75 (4082.09) 1926.25 (3370.72) <0.001
AVC Agatston- mean (SD) 27.83 (139.33) 358.31 (418.58) 155.50 (324.67) <0.001
AVC Volume (mm3) - mean (SD) 21.83 (102.07) 332.32 (390.43) 141.78 (296.76) <0.001
Lung involment
Well aerated lung volume - mean (SD) 2417.84 (1413.00) 2335.41 (1259.09) 2386.34 (1356.24) 0.330
Left pleural effusion (mm) - mean (SD) 1.12 (3.49) 1.67 (4.16) 1.33 (3.77) 0.019
Right pleural effusion (mm) - mean (SD) 1.26 (4.31) 2.31 (5.63) 1.66 (4.88) 0.001
Pericardial effusion (mm)- mean (SD) 0.16 (0.78) 0.36 (1.15) 0.24 (0.95) 0.001
Pneumonia - (%) 0.549
 0 12 (1.8) 4 (1.0) 16 (1.5)
 <25% 189 (28.0) 130 (31.2) 319 (29.2)
 25–50% 312 (46.2) 193 (46.3) 505 (46.2)
 50–75% 140 (20.7) 75 (18.0) 215 (19.7)
 >75% 22 (3.3) 15 (3.6) 37 (3.4)
Pericardial effusion - mean (SD) 0.16 (0.78) 0.36 (1.15) 0.24 (0.95) 0.001
Left pleural effusion - mean (SD) 1.12 (3.49) 1.67 (4.16) 1.33 (3.77) 0.019
Right pleural effusion - mean (SD) 1.26 (4.31) 2.31 (5.63) 1.66 (4.88) 0.001
In-hospital complications
MACCE (%) 0.143
 None 256 (85.3) 137 (84.0) 393 (84.9)
 Cerebral stroke 4 (1.3) 8 (4.9) 12 (2.6)
 Acute coronary syndrome 3 (1.0) 3 (1.8) 6 (1.3)
 Pulmonary Embolism 31 (10.3) 12 (7.4) 43 (9.3)
 Peripheral embolism 6 (2.0) 3 (1.8) 9 (1.9)
In-hospital outcomes
Hospitalization ​< ​24 ​h (%) 24 (3.6) 1 (0.2) 25 (2.3) <0.001
Hospitalization without oxygen support (%) 48 (7.1) 18 (4.3) 66 (6.0) 0.067
Hospitalization with oxygen support (%) 191 (28.3) 121 (28.9) 312 (28.5) 0.836
Hospitalization with NIV (%) 134 (19.9) 60 (14.4) 194 (17.7) 0.022
Orotracheal intubation (%) 113 (16.7) 42 (10.0) 155 (14.2) 0.002
In-hospital death (%) 63 (9.3) 148 (35.4) 211 (19.3) <0.001
Death after orotracheal intubation (%) 17 (2.5) 19 (4.5) 36 (3.3) 0.081

IQR ​= ​interquartile range, SD ​= ​standard deviation, LDH ​= ​Lactate dehydrogenase, CPR ​= ​c-protein reactive, MACCE ​= ​major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular events; Tni-HS ​= ​high-sensitivity troponin I, NIV ​= ​noninvasive ventilation, TTC total thoracic calcium, CAC ​= ​coronary artery calcium, TAC ​= ​thoracic aorta calcium, AVC ​= ​Aortic Valve Calcium.