Induction of CD155 on macrophages is a STAT6 (IL-4 treatment) and p38 MAPK (LPS treatment) dependent transcriptional response. (A) MDMs or differentiated THP-1/U937 cells were treated with IL-4 and the signaling response documented by immunoblot. (B) Transient STAT6 depletion with siRNA prior to IL-4 stimulation abrogated CD155/PD-L1 induction in MDMs. (C) RT-qPCR analyses of PVR transcript in THP-1 cells after IL-4 stimulation (16h) (n=5). (D) MDMs and differentiated THP-1 cells were treated with LPS and the signaling response documented by immunoblot. (E) MDMs or THP-1 cells were treated with SB203580 prior to LPS stimulation and the signaling response was recorded by immunoblot. Data shown in (A), (B), (D), and (E) are representative of three repeats.