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. 2020 Apr 3;190(1):116–124. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwaa037

Table 1.

Characteristics (%a) of Participants According to Elevated (≥10 IU/L) Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Level, Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988–1994

FSH Level
Participant Characteristic ≥10 IU/L <10 IU/L
 Age at sample collection, years
  35–39 12 45
  40–44 33 39
  45–49 55 17
  Non-Hispanic White 74 75
  Non-Hispanic Black 13 10
  Mexican-American 4 5
  Other 9 10
 Education, years
  <12 21 14
  12 38 34
  >12 41 52
 Family income, dollarsb
  <20,000 26 21
  ≥20,000 74 79
 Alcohol consumptionc
  Never drinker 16 15
  Former drinker 44 34
  Current drinker 41 51
 Smoking statusd
  Never smoker 43 57
  Former smoker 22 22
  Current smoker, cigarettes/day
   <20 13 10
   ≥20 22 11
 Physical exercise, times/week
  0 31 26
  <3 43 40
  ≥3 26 34
 Body mass indexe
  <25.0 26 24
  25.0–29.9 44 49
  ≥30.0 30 26
 Age at menarche, years
  ≤11 24 21
  12 22 29
  13 26 23
  ≥14 28 27
 No. of live births
  0 16 18
  1 13 13
  2 35 37
  ≥3 37 32
 Unilateral oophorectomy
  Yes 11 4
  No 89 96
  Yes 21 9
  No 79 91
 Postmenopausal status
  Yes 12 0.3
  No 88 99.7

Abbreviation: FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone.

a Weighted percentage accounting for the complex survey sampling design, not including missing data. Some data were missing (unweighted n’s) for education (n = 5), family income (n = 23), smoking (n = 7), body mass index (n = 1), age at menarche (n = 14), unilateral oophorectomy (n = 5), hysterectomy (n = 2), and postmenopausal status (n = 1).

b Total combined family income in the last 12 months.

c Participants were considered never drinkers if they had never consumed at least 12 alcoholic drinks; former drinkers were defined as those who had ever consumed at least 12 drinks but reported not consuming at least 12 drinks in the past 12 months; and participants were defined as current drinkers if they had consumed at least 12 drinks in the past 12 months.

d Participants were considered never smokers if they had never smoked at least 100 cigarettes in their lifetime; former smokers were defined as those who had ever smoked at least 100 cigarettes but reported having quit smoking.

e Weight (kg)/height (m)2.