Fig. 6. Cellular composition of lung myeloid populations during normal and hyperoxia-impaired late lung development.
a The relative proportion of myeloid (purple) and lymphoid (teal) cells in developing lungs was significantly impacted by hyperoxia exposure. n = 6 animals/group. Data are presented as means ± SD. Statistical analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism 8.0. Significance for each population at each time point was evaluated by unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t-test. P value = 0.0013 for Myeloid population, and 0.0086 for Lymphoid population. b A total of eight clusters of myeloid cells were identified in developing lungs. Cell populations are colored as indicated by the legend. c UMAP plots of principal identifiers of different types of myeloid cells. The intensity of expression is indicated by purple coloring. d Heatmap of top five most differentially expressed genes across myeloid clusters. The intensity of expression is indicated as specified by the color legend. e UMAP plots depicting cell identity of myeloid cells in regard to developmental time points in normally (21% O2-exposed, purple) and aberrantly (85% O2-exposed, green) developing lung. Each cell is colored by mouse age as indicated by the legend. f Fluorescent RNA in situ hybridization showing co-expression of Marco/MARCO (pink/red) with Ptprc/PTPRC (green/white) positive leukocytes morphologically resembling alveolar macrophages in normal and mouse hyperoxic/human BPD lungs, respectively. Magnification: 40×. Scale bar = 40 µm. Two 14-days old animals/group were analyzed and samples from five BPD patients and two donor lungs were analyzed. g Hyperoxia-impacted signaling pathways in Alv Mf (pink), Neut 1 (yellow) and Int Mf (green) clusters as identified by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). All terms are significantly enriched (adjusted p value < 0.05) and normalized enrichment scores (NES) are shown. NES values were computed by gene set enrichment analysis on fold change-ranked genes. Expression values in Heatmap and violin plots represent Z-score-transformed log(TP10k + 1) values. Expression levels in UMAP plots are presented as log(TP10k + 1) values. Log(TP10k + 1) corresponds to log-transformed UMIs per 10k.