Fig. 8. Cellular composition of lung mesothelium during normal and hyperoxia-impaired late lung development.
a UMAP plots of principal identifiers of mesothelial cells in developing lung. Intensity of expression is indicated by purple coloring. b Percentual proportion of mesothelial cells in normally (21% O2-exposed, gray) and aberrantly (85% O2-exposed, purple) developing lungs at P3, P7 and P14. n = 6 animals/group. Significance was evaluated by multiple unpaired multiple Student’s t-test with Holm–Sidak correction. Data are presented as means ± SD. P value = 0.0426. c UMAP plots depicting cell identity in regard to developmental time points in (21% O2-exposed, purple) normally and aberrantly (85% O2-exposed, green) developing lung mesothelium. Each cell is colored by mouse age as indicated by the legend. d Exposure to 85% O2 altered gene expression in developing lung mesothelium. 21% O2-exposed: green, 85% O2-exposed: red. Expression values in violin plots represent Z-score-transformed log(TP10k + 1) values. Expression levels in UMAP plots are presented as log(TP10k + 1) values. Log(TP10k + 1) corresponds to log-transformed UMIs per 10k.