Table 1. Overview of Definition, Chief Rational and Main Themes Emerging From Key Informant Interviews on the Strategies.
Strategy the Theme Relates to | Definition | Chief Rationale | Main Theme Emerging From Interviews With Key Informants |
Non-health actors | The active and systematic involvement of actors from outside the health sector in the evaluation of PHIs47 | Active and routine involvement of non-health actors promotes intersectoral collaboration by making these more aware of the benefits of PHIs pertaining to their sector and increase their sense of ownership with respect to these interventions47,48 | Early involvement of non-health sectors in the evaluative process and inclusion of non-health benefits can promote intersectoral collaboration, but should be combined with greater influence of these sectors in shaping PHIs |
Non-health benefits | The explicit and systematic inclusion of relevant non-health benefits in the evaluation6,7 | Demonstration of non-health benefits increases the interest in funding and implementing many PHIs among actors outside the health sector13 | |
Harmonized methods | The harmonization of the methods used to evaluate interventions in different sectors22,49 | Consistent evaluation of interventions across sectors makes it easier for the many actors to rally around the same interventions22,49 | Harmonization of methodological approaches may enable comparison of results and facilitate intersectoral collaboration, but should not be an overriding goal |
HIA | Encouraging actors outside the health sector with the task of considering health outcomes when evaluating interventions50 | Consideration of health outcomes by non-health actors helps identify areas of common interest with health actors and can spur collaboration47,51 | Involvement in HIAs can promote intersectoral collaboration, but needs to be incentivized and be conducted without putting overwhelming demands on non-health sectors |
Designated body | The establishment of a designated national body for evaluating PHIs52 | A designated body increases the visibility and the attention paid to PHIs both within and outside the health sector and enables better coordination among different actors52,53 | A designated body for evaluating PHIs could bolster implementation of available strategies for promoting intersectoral collaboration but to be effective its design needs to take account of realities of policy-making |
Abbreviations: HIA, health impact assessment; PHIs, public health interventions.