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. 2021 Mar 3;5(5):1352–1359. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020003937

Table 1.

Frequency of aGVHD response groups by demographic subset of patients with aGVHD

Factor n Sensitive aGVHD Dependent aGVHD Resistant aGVHD
Overall 385 114 (30) 103 (27) 168 (43)
 Male 242 71 (29) 65 (27) 106 (44)
 Female 143 43 (30) 38 (27) 62 (43)
Age, y
 <18 67 28 (42) 10 (15) 29 (43)
 18-40 83 21 (25) 29 (35) 33 (40)
 41-60 145 42 (29) 45 (31) 58 (40)
 61+ 48 23 (26) 19 (21) 48 (53)
Year of transplant
 2008-2011 158 45 (28) 49 (31) 64 (41)
 2012-2016 227 69 (30) 54 (24) 104 (46)
Donor type
 Sibling match 112 31 (28) 35 (31) 46 (41)
 Haploidentical 10 3 (30) 3 (30) 4 (40)
 URD* 60 11 (18) 10 (17) 39 (65)
 Single/double UCB 203 69 (34) 55 (27) 79 (39)
Prior autologous transplant
 No 357 107 (30) 93 (26) 157 (44)
 Yes 28 7 (25) 10 (36) 11 (39)
Pre-transplant conditioning
 MAC 178 55 (31) 50 (28) 73 (41)
 RIC 207 59 (29) 53 (26) 95 (46)
GVHD prophylaxis
 CsA/MTX 50 19 (38) 13 (26) 18 (36)
 CsA/MMF 290 81 (28) 84 (29) 125 (43)
 Sirolimus/MMF 3 0 1 (33) 2 (67)
 Other 42 14 (33) 5 (12) 23 (55)
 Aplastic/Fanconi anemia 11 3 (27) 4 (36) 4 (36)
 Other nonmalignant 29 13 (45) 4 (14) 12 (41)
 ALL 68 23 (34) 20 (29) 25 (37)
 AML 130 38 (29) 34 (26) 58 (45)
 CML/CLL/JCML 34 11 (32) 8 (24) 15 (44)
 MDS 42 9 (21) 9 (21) 24 (57)
 Myeloproliferative disorder 8 1 (13) 2 (25) 5 (63)
 NHL/HL 36 9 (25) 13 (36) 14 (39)
 Multiple myeloma 18 4 (22) 7 (39) 7 (39)
 Other malignancy 9 3 (33) 2 (22) 4 (44)
 Low risk 47 14 (30) 14 (30) 19 (40)
 Intermediate risk 244 67 (27) 71 (29) 106 (43)
 High/very high risk 54 17 (31) 10 (19) 27 (50)
 Nonmalignant 40 16 (40) 8 (20) 16 (40)
 Low risk 192 59 (31) 54 (28) 79 (41)
 Intermediate risk 95 34 (36) 25 (26) 36 (38)
 High risk 98 21 (21) 24 (24) 53 (54)
Karnofsky performance status
 <90 61 18 (30) 10 (16) 33 (54)
 ≥90 324 96 (30) 93 (29) 135 (42)
MN GVHD risk (at onset)
 Standard 301 97 (32) 83 (28) 121 (40)
 High 84 17 (20) 20 (24) 47 (56)
GVHD grade (at onset)
 1 42 12 (29) 10 (24) 20 (48)
 2 201 70 (35) 59 (29) 72 (36)
 3 121 31 (26) 31 (26) 59 (49)
 4 21 1 (5) 3 (14) 17 (81)
Length of follow-up among survivors, median mo (range) 31 (6.5-103.6) 34.8 (9.2-99.6) 27 (6.9-101)

Frequency data are number of patients (percentage of subgroup), unless otherwise indicated.

ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloid leukemia; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; CsA, cyclosporine; HL, Hodgkin lymphoma; JCML, juvenile chronic myelogenous leukemia; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; MM, multiple myeloma; MTX, methotrexate; NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma.


Well-matched, partially matched, and mismatched donors.

Hemoglobinopathy, immune deficiency, storage disorder, and epidermolysis bullosa.