Figure 2.
Initial screening results. All compounds were tested at a final concentration of 100 μM. The primary compound additions (white bars) do not induce any significant ORco channel function, whereas secondary additions of the OA (ORcoRAM2) to wells containing previously added, functionally inactive compounds produce responses (gray bars) equal to at least 80% of the full response obtained in the control wells (ORco agonist [OA] only added, shown with a black bar at the left of each panel). Orco antagonist hits produce significantly lower secondary responses, arbitrarily set at ≥60% of the normal channel response, upon OA addition. For putative OAs, the window of functional response to the primary addition was again arbitrarily set at ≥60% of the value of the known OA response (ORcoRAM2). Numbers correspond to those of the compounds shown in Table S1. Error bars indicate mean ± SE.