hPSC-TSCDX2and hPSC-TS generated from hiPSCs. A, confocal image of SC102A-1 hPSC-TSCDX2 in TM4, staining for CDX2, TFAP2C, GATA3, YAP, TEAD4, and P63. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. The scale bars represent 200 μm. B, confocal images of SC102A-1 hPSC-TS in TSCM, staining for CDX2, TFAP2C, GATA3, YAP, TEAD4, and P63. The scale bars represent 200 μm. C, flow cytometry histogram of KRT7 expression of SC102A-1 hPSC-TS cells in TSCM compared with an isotype control. D, proliferation of SC102A-1 hPSC-TS, placenta-derived TS #1 (CT30), and TS #2 (CT29) in TSCM. A total of 1 x 105 cells were seeded and cells were counted after 3 days. Four biological replicates were used (error bars, SD). E, flow cytometry histogram of HLA-G expression of EVTs from SC102A-1 hPSC-TS cells compared with an isotype control. F, gene expression of CGβ, SDC1, CSH1/2, HLA-G, MMP2, TEAD4, and TP63 of EVTs compared with TS cells from SC102A-1 hPSC-TS and placenta-derived TS #1 (CT30) and TS #2 (CT29). Four biological replicates were used (error bars, SE, ∗p < 0.05 for differential expression relative to TS cells). Data for placenta-derived TS cells is the same as used in Figure 4. G, confocal images of EVTs from SC102A-1 hPSC-TS, staining for HLA-G and VE-Cadherin. The scale bars represent 100 μm. H, gene expression of CGβ, SDC1, CSH1/2, HLA-G, MMP2, TEAD4, and TP63 of STBs compared with TS cells from SC102A-1 hPSC-TS and placenta-derived TS #1 (CT30) and TS #2 (CT29). Four biological replicates were used (error bars, SE, ∗p < 0.05). I, confocal images of STB from SC102A-1 hPSC-TS, staining for hCG and KRT7. The scale bars represent 100 μm. EVT, extravillous trophoblast, hiPSC, human induced pluripotent stem cell; hPSC, human pluripotent stem cell; STB, syncytiotrophoblast; TS, trophoblast stem.