GPR56 activates Src–Fak adhesion signaling in 293T cells and requires the STP domain. Western blot showing effects of GPR56 WT compared with A, ΔSTP or B, T383A and ΔPLL mutants on phosphorylation of Src, Fak, and paxillin ± 10C7 (3 μg/ml or 20 nM) treatment for 1 h. C, quantification of 3 to 5 independent experiments as shown in A and B. D, time-dependent and E, 10C7-induced effects on adhesion of 293T GPR56 WT and mutant stable cell lines to collagen. Cell adhesion in ±10C7 treatment was quantified after 15 min. Statistical significance for adhesion assays determined by two- or one-way ANOVA (Error bars, S.E.) and western blots by one-way ANOVA (Error bars, S.D.), ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, and ∗∗∗p < 0.001 compared with vector cells or untreated cells for overexpression and 10C7 treatment studies, respectively, unless otherwise indicated. All data represent at least three independent experiments.