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. 2021 Feb 9;113(3):751–761. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqaa349



Variables that significantly changed across treatment groups at the end of follow-up. Here, we represent the fitted linear regression lines and respective 95% CIs for linear mixed-effects longitudinal models to assess the effect of bariatric surgery, when compared to medical treatment for obesity, on gustatory and psychometric measures of feeding behavior across follow-up. These models were adjusted for age, gender, personal history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, baseline BMI, and surgical center. For data visualization purposes, in each panel, the representation of individual assessments is jittered around the respective follow-up moment (in months). Only models with significant interactions between time and treatment group are represented. (A) BMI (BTreatment-Time = −1.1; 95% CI: −1.2 to −0.9; P  < 0.0001). (B) PFS – Aggregate score (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.01 to −0.04; P  < 0.0001). (C) PFS – Food available (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.1 to −0.02; P  = 0.01). (D) PFS – Food present (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.1 to −0.04; P  < 0.0001). (E) PFS − Food tasted (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.1 to −0.04; P  < 0.0001). (F) YFAS – No. of symptoms (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.2 to −0.02; P  = 0.01). (G) DEBQ – External eating (BTreatment-Time = −0.04; 95% CI: −0.1 to −0.01; P  = 0.01). (H) DEBQ – Restrained eating (B Treatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.1 to −0.01; P  = 0.02). (I) DEBQ – Emotional eating (BTreatment-Time = −0.1; 95% CI: −0.1 and −0.003; P  < 0.001). (J) FARS – Alcohol (BTreatment-Time = −0.3; 95% CI: −0.6 to −0.1; P = 0.01). Control data were from patients on the waiting list for bariatric surgery (n = 50); surgical data were from patients scheduled for bariatric surgery (n = 96). DEBQ, Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire; FARS, Food Action Rating Scale; PFS, Power of Food Scale; YFAS, Yale Food Addiction Scale.