DoMY-Seq allows mapping of the KRAS-binding domain in CRAF.A, distribution of the fragment length obtained in the CRAF library. B, percentage of CRAF fragments classified by their reading frame. Frame +2 bp (green) represents the coding (in-frame) fragments. Note the selection of the coding fragments in the presence of the auxotrophic dropout media (LTH and LTHA), but not in the basal media (LT) in which fragments are distributed uniformly. C, integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) snapshots of the CRAF peaks obtained with DoMY-Seq depicting domain interaction with KRAS (G12V or Q61L) baits. Results from the both LTH and LTHA dropout media are showed. DoMY-Seq, Protein Domain mapping using Yeast 2 Hybrid-Next Generation Sequencing.