FtsH oligomers elute in two peaks from sizing chromatography.A, representative size exclusion chromatography run. Blue Dextran (▪) used to calculate the void volume of the column (8.47 ml). The elution volumes of standard proteins used to estimate the molecular weight of the eluted fractions are shown on the top of the graph: (•) thyroglobulin (MW: 669 kDa; Ve: 13.27 ml), (▲) ferritin (MW: 440 kDa; Ve: 15.13 ml), (♦) aldolase (MW: 158 kDa; Ve: 16.62 ml), and (★) ovalbumin (MW: 44 kDa; Ve: 17.76 ml). B, native PAGE gel of peak 1 and 2 (lanes 1 and 2) and molecular marker (M). C–D, micrographs of the second (C) and first (D) SEC eluted fractions prepared by negative staining. Side views are preferentially obtained. E–F, sample cryo-EM micrographs of the hexameric (E) and dodecameric (F) specimens, with a few highlighted particles. The scale bars represent 20 nm. Green circles correspond to hexamers particles and blue squares to dodecamers.