Family sequence alignment of PL-3 representative examples. Shown are: P. carotovorum Pel3 (Q47465); D. dadantii PelI (O50325); Heterodera schachtii Pel1 (A3F5C0); H. schachtii Pel2 (A3F5B9); Clavibacter michiganensis Pel (A0A2S5VX08); Bursaphelenchus xylophilus BxPel1 (Q33CQ4); Meloidogyne incognita Pel (Q7YW99); Actinoplanes awajinensis Pel (A0A0X3V446); Verticillium dahliae (G2WR80); Bacillus sp. KSM-P15 Pel (Q9RHW0) and Pectobacterium carotovorum HrpW (A0A221TA52), representative of various phylogenetic groups (Fig. 5). In brackets are the corresponding UniProtKB codes. The secondary structure elements are shown for P. carotovorum Pel3 (PDB 4U4B), D. dadantii PelI (PDB 3B4N), and Bacillus sp. KSM-P15 Pel (PDB 1EE6), in blue, orange, and green, respectively. The residue numbering is shown for Pel3. The residues conserved in the PL-3 family members are in red. The residues of two hydrophobic ladders and an Asn stacking are shown with the orange, red, and green triangles, respectively. Red asterisks indicate the catalytic residues. The cysteine residues are highlighted in yellow and the disulfide bonds of Pel3 are numbered from 1 to 5 with green numbers. The figure was generated with the ESPript server (57).