Cells with high ST6Gal-I expression are more invasive.A–C, representative images of transwell invasion assays for Suit2 (A), S2-013 (B), and S2-LM7AA (C) cells. D, Cells invading through matrigel-coated transwell filters were stained with crystal violet and then solubilized in 10% acetic acid. Invasion was quantified by absorbance spectroscopy. Absorbance values were normalized to those of controls (cells plated in chambers with no chemoattractant). Graph represents the means ± SEMs from at least three independent experiments. ∗denotes p < 0.05. E, Representative mRNA expression of ST6Gal-I from at least three independent experiments. F, ST6Gal-I protein expression. Densitometric values were normalized to the β-tubulin loading controls.