Figure 5.
Differential spatiotemporal BACE1 processing of NCAM1 and NCAM2 in vivo.A, representative immunoblot of PBS soluble (Soluble) and membrane (Membrane) fraction of the hippocampus (HC) and olfactory bulb (OB) samples from postnatal day 10 (P10), 4-month-old (4 months), and 12-month-old (12 months) BACE1+/+ and BACE1−/− mice. Well-characterized BACE1 substrates in vivo are also analyzed in the HC and OB at three different ages using anti-NCAM1 (AF-2408), anti-NCAM2 (sc-136328), BACE1 (D10E5), anti-calnexin (610523), and anti-GAPDH (MAB374) antibodies. After increasing the contrast of the image for sNCAM1, sNCAM1β was detected in HC and OB of BACE1+/+ mice at P10. Transmembrane (TM) and GPI-anchored (GPI) NCAM2 isoforms were observed in the OB membrane fraction, while only NCAM2-TM was detected in HC membrane fraction. Full-length NCAM1 levels (180, 140, and 120) were observed in membrane fraction. Notably, full-length NCAM1 levels are significantly decreased at P10. B–I, graphs represent densitometry of soluble protein normalized to GAPDH or densitometry of membrane protein normalized to calnexin. White and gray bars represent BACE1+/+ and BACE1−/− mice, respectively. Unpaired two tailed t-test was used for analysis. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗<0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, ns, not significant, N.A.; not applicable, P10 (BACE1+/+; n = 4–5, BACE1−/−; n = 4–5), 4 months (BACE1+/+; n = 5–6, BACE1−/−; n = 5), 12 months (BACE1+/+; n = 4–5, BACE1−/−; n = 4–5). Full-length versions of the western blots (sNCAM2β and sNCAM1β) of 4-months-old mice shown in Figure S1, A and C.