2‐photon imaging of the extracellular matrix of normal arm and leg skin. (A) Second harmonic generation imaging of collagen (green, backscatter; red, forward detection) and autofluorescence imaging and elastin fibres and nuclei (blue) in normal arm and leg skin. (A) Montage of a 4‐mm biopsy of arm skin. (B) Lambda scans of the SHG of collagen signal and autofluorescence of elastin. (C) High‐power images of upper and lower dermis from leg skin. (D) Normal arm skin with Verhoeff van Gieson (VvG) staining collagen red and elastin black. Montage followed by high‐power images of the upper, lower and deep dermis. (E) Normal arm skin with Herovici staining differentiating between collagen type I, stained purple, and type III, blue. Scale bars A, 1 mm; C, D and E, 1 mm and 200 µm.