Fig. 1.
Plasma proteomics of high-fat diet (HFD) and exercise treatment interaction. Mice were provided either a chow diet or a HFD, ad libitum for 10 weeks. After this time, animals from each diet group were randomly assigned to exercise treatments of none, endurance (END), or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). A, schematic of the diet and exercise schedule with the timing of blood plasma collection. B, volcano plot for all plasma proteins detected, with the log2 fold change (HFD/chow) plotted on the x-axis versus the Benjamini–Hochberg corrected −log10(P) for the diet effect from the two-way ANOVA shown on the y-axis. The dark gray region highlights nonsignificant p values (>0.05). The size and color of the points represent significance of any exercise effect within the HFD group alone as indicated by the legend. C, heat map of the plasma proteome analyzed by two-way ANOVA, in which blue indicates high protein abundance and red indicates low protein abundance. Each column represents an individual mouse. D, box and whisker plots for specific proteins of interest. Each point represents protein abundance from an individual mouse. Asterisks placed at the top of any plot represents statistical significance (p < 0.05 or 5% false discovery rate) across the treatment variables as indicated by the legend (n = 12 per group). LFQ, label-free quantification.