Comparison of the plasma proteome response to a high-fat diet (HFD) between isocaloric and overconsumption diet regimens.A–B, proteins that were significantly regulated by the HFD in the exercise treatment model are plotted. The y-axis shows log2 fold change for the HFD/chow response in the treatment model. A, the x-axis shows the log2 fold change to a saturated fatty acid (SFA)–rich diet compared with a chow control diet (Ctrl), which were both provided in an isocaloric manner (pair fed) (5). B, the x-axis shows the log2 fold change to a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)–rich diet compared with a chow control diet (Ctrl), which were both provided in a isocaloric manner (pair fed) (5). For A–B, the size, shape, and color of the points represent significant differences between either isocaloric versus overconsumption HFD models (red points), or the SFA versus PUFA diets (solid black stars), as indicated in the legends. C, box and whisker plots for specific proteins of interest. Each point represents protein abundance from an individual mouse. Asterisks placed at the top of any plot represents statistical significance (p < 0.05 or 5% false discovery rate) across the treatment variables as indicated in the legend (n = 12 per group). LFQ, label-free quantification.