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. 2016 Mar 8;14(1):142–148. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12574

Table 2.

Characteristics of enrolled patients at admission

Total DFO Remission* No remission
N = 122 Yes (N = 46) No (N = 76) P value
Mean age (years) 53·3 ± 10·7 53·9 ± 10·3 53·0 ± 11·0 0·65
Sex: male 95 (77·9) 37 (80·4) 58 (76·3) 0·59
Caucasian 38 (31·1) 10 (21·7) 28 (36·8) 0·07
African American 26 (21·3) 14 (30·4) 12 (15·8)
Asian 3 (2·5) 0 (0) 3 (3·9)
Hispanic 55 (45·1) 22 (47·8) 33 (43·4)
Diabetes mellitus type 2 115 (94·3) 44 (95·7) 71 (93·4) 0·61
Mean BMI 31·9 ± 8·7 32·1 ± 10·0 31·8 ± 7·9 0·84
History of foot ulcer 77 (63·1) 29 (63·0) 48 (63·2) 0·99
History of LE amputation 42 (34·4) 14 (30·4) 28 (36·8) 0·47
History of PAD 80 (65·6) 28 (60·9) 52 (68·4) 0·40
Mean ABI 1·1 ± 8·7 1·1 ± 0·1 1·1 ± 0·2 0·48
History of Neuropathy 113 (92·6) 42 (91·3) 71 (93·4) 0·67
History of Retinopathy 47 (38·5) 20 (43·5) 27 (35·5) 0·38
History of Renal Disease 51 (41·8) 15 (32·6) 36 (47·4) 0·11
Stage 2 7 (4·9) 3 (6·5) 4 (5·3)
Stage 3 26 (21·3) 9 (19·6) 17 (22·4)
Stage 4 5 (4·1) 1 (2·2) 4 (5·3)
Stage 5 13 (10·7) 2 (4·3) 11 (14·5)
Mean HbA1c, %, (mmol/mol) 9·2(77) ± 2·3 9·6(81) ± 2·4 8·9(74) ± 2·2 0·11
Mean Albumin (g/dl) 3·3 ± 0·6 3·4 ± 0·5 3·3 ± 0·6 0·44
Mean Prealbumin (mg/dl) 15·1 ± 6·7 17·1 ± 6·6 14·3 ± 6·6 0·15
Mean WBC (×109/l) 11·6 ± 4·6 10·1 ± 3·7 12·4 ± 4·8 0·006
Mean GFR (ml/min/1·73 m2) 50·9 ± 16·7 54·8 ± 12·7 48·6 ± 18·5 0·049
Mean Hb (g/dl) 11·4 ± 3·4 12·1 ± 4·8 11·0 ± 2·1 0·08
Mean ESR (mm/hour) 86·2 ± 34·2 83·1 ± 32·6 88·01 ± 35·2 0·44
Mean CRP (mg/dl) 12·3 ± 17·9 12·5 ± 22·2 12·2 ± 14·8 0·94
Mean depth of wound (mm) 7·8 ± 6·9 6·2 ± 3·7 8·6 ± 8·0 0·40
Positive PTBT 56 (45·9) 17 (37·0) 39 (51·3) 0·20
Results X‐ray at admission
No osteomyelitis 20 (16·4) 8 (17·4) 12 (15·8) 0·06
Osteomyelitis 51 (41·8) 25 (54·3) 26 (34·2)
Indeterminate 50 (41·0) 13 (28·3) 37 (48·7)
Mean wound duration before admission, in days 72 ± 204 103 ± 298 53 ± 114 0·19
Ulcer location
Small toes 48 (39·3) 18 (39·1) 30 (39·5) 0·22
Great toe 27 (22·1) 14 (30·4) 13 (17·1)
Metatarsals 34 (27·9) 12 (26·1) 22 (28·9)
Midfoot/dorsum 4 (3·3) 0 (0) 4 (5·3)
Heel 9 (7·4) 2 (4·3) 7 (9·2)
Antibiotics before admission 40 (32·8) 14 (30·4) 26 (34·2) 0·67

Numbers in brackets are percentages. Numbers ± are standard deviations. ABI, ankle brachial index; BMI, body mass index; DFO, diabetic foot osteomyelitis; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; Hb, hemoglobin; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin WBC, white blood count; LE, lower extremity; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; CRP, C‐reactive protein; PTBT, probe to bone test.


Defined as healed ulcer within 12 months follow up and no re‐infection.

Classification of chronic kidney disease by the National Kidney Foundation.