Identification of the differentially expressed proteins in the rat kidney tissue between 5/6 nephrectomy models and sham-operated controls.A, as a chronic kidney disease model, 5/6 nephrectomy was performed and several clinical factors including body weight, blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatine, and urine protein/creatinine (uPro/Cre) ratio were analyzed after 4 and 8 weeks. Asterisks in the densitometry are calculated by comparison with the levels of sham-operated rat kidney tissue. Gray, blue, and red colored bar charts represent sham-operated, 4 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy, and 8 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy groups, respectively. Error bars represent standard deviation. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗p < 0.005; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. B, principal component analysis plot of the tissue proteins from the sham-operated controls and 8 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy using the first two principal components. The plot displays PC1 on the x axis and PC2 on the y axis. C, volcano plot depicting the variance in expression between sham-operated control and 5/6 nephrectomized rat kidney tissue. Highlighted data points indicate the already known proteins related to inflammation, apoptosis, and fibrosis processes. The solid line indicates the cutoff based on false discovery rate <5%.