Fig. 4.
Dynamical transcriptomes and proteomes abundances correlation analysis of the germ cells during spermatogenesis.A, Pearson correlations of the expression abundances among all quantified transcriptomes and proteomes of the spermatogenic germ cells. B, distribution of the genes versus the genes' Pearson correlation coefficients between mRNA and protein abundances. The interquantile ranges of the coefficients were −0.98 to 0.06, 0.06 to 0.48, 0.48 to 0.75, and 0.75 to 0.99. C, heat maps of the abundance changes of the transcripts (left) and the proteins (right) during spermatogenesis. The genes were quantiled according to their Pearson correlation coefficients. D, enriched biological processes of the genes sets with the corresponding Pearson correlation coefficients. FDR, false discovery rate; GOBP, Gene Ontology Biological Process; LFQ, label-free quantification; RS, round spermatid.