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. 2014 Jan 29;11(5):460–471. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12212

Table 4.

Summary characteristics of the 11 case series studies where comparisons were made between the incidence of pressure ulcers where the skin was protected with a wound dressing and either where no dressing was applied to prevent pressure damage or where alternative dressings had been used prior to the start of the study

Study Design Population Body sites reported Prophylactic dressing Comparator (if present) Pressure ulcer incidence where dressings were used to augment prevention Pressure ulcer incidence in comparator group (if present) Other comments
Bots and Apotheker 2004 19 Cohort, but one group had no reported data so treated in the review as a case series General surgery, cardiopulmonary surgery, orthopaedic/trauma, vascular/gynaecology/urology in single centre Heel Hydropolymer adhesive dressing Historical data 10/117 (8·5%) Prevalence 36·5% (number of patients and pressure ulcers unreported) Dressing applied in at‐risk group anticipated to have surgery over 90 minutes in duration
Brindle 2009 20 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Soft silicone foam None 0/41 (0%) None Patients grouped as either high or low risk of pressure ulcer development, high‐risk patients received the dressing as part of their pressure ulcer preventive care
Cano et al. 2011 21 Case series Single‐centre ICU/CCU Sacrum Soft silicone foam None 1/166 (0·6%) None Conference abstract only
Chaiken 2012 22 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Soft silicone foam Historical pressure ulcer prevalence data within ICU 5/275 (1·8%) Prevalence stated to be either 13·6% (abstract) and 12·3% (text) (stated to be data from 291 ICU patients) Comparing prevalence and incidence data. Contemporary introduction of staff education with focus upon reduced head of bed elevation may also have reduced incidence?
Hsu et al. 2010 29 Case series Unspecified Nose Soft silicone foam Historical incidence data where hydrocolloid dressing used to protect the skin under face masks 0·9% (number of patients and pressure ulcers unreported) 5·9% 47/797 (patients wearing face masks with the skin protected by hydrocolloid dressings in 2006) None
Iwai et al. 2011 23 Technical report Single centre during Surgery Nose Hydrocolloid None 0% from 'over 500 patients' None Technical report upon placement of the dressing around a nasotracheal tube
Kiely 2012 24 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Soft silicone foam Historical incidence data 0·9% (number of patients and pressure ulcers unreported) Stated to be five new sacral pressure ulcers per month in the ICU Facility‐wide quality improvement programme with dressing use in ICU as one component
Koerner et al. 2011 25 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Soft silicone foam Historical incidence data – medical/cardiac ICU and surgical ICU 0% (number of patients followed up unreported) 20% surgical ICU, 40% medical/cardiac ICU (number of patients and pressure ulcers unreported) Conference abstract only
Lisco 2013 26 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Silicone adhesive hydrocellular foam None 0/22 (0%) None Conference abstract only
Sansom and Flynn 2007 27 Case series Single‐centre Emergency department Heel Foam None 0/20 (0%) None Data reported upon 20 of the 100 patients provided with the heel dressing
Walsh et al. 2012 28 Case series Single‐centre ICU Sacrum Soft silicone foam None 3/62 (4·8%) None Reduction in incidence of pressure ulcer in ICU 2008 to 2010 from 21·3% to 7%; reduced numbers of sacral pressure ulcers in ICU from 79 in 2008 to 13 in 2010

ICU, intensive care unit; CCU, critical care unit.