a, Immunoprecipitation followed with IB detection using indicated antibodies of hiPS-SkMCs derived from healthy donor (GM09503) expressing DMD WT or indicated mutations. b, RIP assay and RT-QPCR detection of indicated genes of hiPS-SkMC cells derived from healthy donor (GM09503) expressing DMD WT or indicated mutations. Mean values±SD, n=3 independent experiments, two-way ANOVA. c, IB detection using indicated antibodies of indicated recombinant proteins in the presence of biotinylated H19 RNA transcript. The LINK-A RNA transcript were included as negative control. d, Schematic illustration of predict secondary structure of Scr (scramble RNA) mimic, H19 RNA mimic and H19 mimic carrying mutation (H19 mut). e, IB detection using indicated antibodies of indicated recombinant proteins in the presence of biotinylated scramble (Scr), or H19 RNA mimics. f and g, Representative images of genotyping (f) and Sanger sequencing analysis (g) of Dmd in Dmd WT, Dmd C3333Y and mdx mice. h and i, Body weight measurement of female (h) or male (i) Dmd WT, Dmd WT/C3333Y and Dmd C3333Y/C3333Y mice. Mean values±SD, n=5 mice in each group, two-way ANOVA. j, H&E staining representative images of the lung, liver, kidney and spleen tissues in Dmd WT and Dmd C3333Y mice. Scale bars, 100 μm. Data represent independent replicates using 8 animals per group. k, Creatine kinase (CK) concentration in female Dmd WT, Dmd WT/C3333Y and Dmd C3333Y/C3333Y mice serum was tested of 4, 12 and 24-week-old, respectively. Mean values±SD, n=5 mice in each group, two-way ANOVA. No significance [n.s.], p > 0.05, *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01, ***, p < 0.001, and ****, p < 0.0001. Immunoblots are representative of two independent experiments. Statistical source data and unprocessed immunoblots are provided as Source Data Extended Data Fig. 3.